Dating In Dental School

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Apr 23, 2012 Dental school does kill a lot of relationships, but any 4-year period will demonstrate that. There are plenty of marriages, engagements, new relationships, children born, etc. That will go on in your four years. I could not agree more with yappy - you get married when the time is right for you. Does your romantic life (dating, hookups, etc.) increase in dental school? I was thinking that it might, because there are so many people similar to you. Also, are there many love triangles due to the smaller class size in dental school? Hygienist here who will be starting dental school in a month. I think you need to think about a couple of different things (future wise) here before you fully commit to something. Your GPA is competitive for dental school, dental hygiene school, and PA school. In dental school I hated endo and I remember contemplating referring all endo out once I began practicing. Five years later, I applied and have been accepted to an endo residency beginning next year. You never know where life or your career aspirations will take you so leave your options open early on!

Hey everyone, this is my first forum post so forgive me if I've posted this in the wrong place.
I need some advice regarding applications. For context, I am going to be a junior this fall. I originally was going to just take the DAT this year (which is about a week from now) and apply next cycle. However, I recently have been considering applying this cycle, despite originally planning to graduate in 2023. I had been advised to do that by my parents and a dentist that I volunteer with, since the application fee would be totally worth it if I were to get in a year earlier than most students in my year.
I am still working out the details in making sure I can get my last prereq in before next year (microbiology). I am also trying to get my university to let me graduate this year, while letting me come back for a 4th year to use up my scholarships, earn my minors, and do some academic year research, in the event that I do not get accepted. Whether or not I get my bachelor's, I will most likely get my last prereq done and I will have 130+ credits completed.
Here's my main dilemma: I don't know if being a reapplicant next year would hurt my chances. If I can apply and get in, that's great. But I don't want to apply and risk hurting my chances for next year. By next year, I will have a more well-rounded application, with research, more volunteering hours, and more science classes. My application this year would be fairly competitive, but not at the level it would be next year. If I were to apply this year and be rejected, would it in any way hurt my chances for applying next year?
Here are my stats for reference:
3.99 cGPA+sGPA
250+ volunteering hours + radiography certified soon
No research experience yet (was planning on it for summer of '22)
Hoping for a 25+ DAT (will find out next week)
(edit: got a 28AA/30TS/24PAT on my DAT yesterday)


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Alright, well some of you are going to get to know me a lot better from this topic as I will be putting a few personal details here. But I am only doing this for YOUR own sake as a heads up!
First of all, I haven't started school yet. I start in 2 months in September. But from what I have been told, they say to make sure you know what your doing in your dating life or with your relationships because you won't have a lot of time to put in. With that being said, make sure you truly know that person before you start school! If something should happen when you start school, it could screw things up big time for you and your future. Alright, so why am I saying this and where am I going with this...time to get to know me a bit...haha
I dated a girl for 2 years. Everything was great. She supported me and made some sacrifices for me to get ready for PT school. Being the naive love-sick puppy I was, I signed a 2 year lease with her a few months ago and got a puppy and everything and I was just set and ready to go (BIG stupid mistakes right there). We were in a great location and everything. I trusted her and was even considering buying a ring soon. About a month in to our lease, she started doing things that made me question her judgement a bit and took me by surprise. I then caught her in a lie which REALLY surprised me. Now that some of the trust was lost, I had more questions. We both got a new phone recently (on separate plans thank and one night while she was at work, I saw her old phone sitting on the table...I know it was a taboo thing to do but since I caught her in that lie, I just had to look due to some of my suspicions. And sure enough, I found everything I needed to see on that phone and moved out immediately...
So now that you know my story about that, what can you take out of this. Well I was fortunate enough to find out about this when I did because I was destroyed for a few weeks. I know if I was in that same mind frame while in the first semester at school, that semester would have been done as well as my future as a PT. Not to mention, if your with someone long enough to the point where your living together, there are is the nasty mess of dealing with a lease - DEFINITELY something you will not want to handle during school.
I know I am putting myself out there with this post but I am serious when I say that before you start school, make sure everything truly is bliss for you and your significant other. If your having doubts or suspicions, it might be time to have a talk or investigate I'm no relationship guru so do what you think in that department but just know that everything is really ok before you start school. I was fortunate to find out before I started (and trust me, i am still trying to clean up this mess before I start in 2 months) but there are several cases where people find out during school and it can really mess things up.
Gfs, bfs, partners...they all come and go...but PT school is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Know your relationships and know them well...for the sake of your future!